नए SF6 विनियम - उपयोगिताओं के लिए इसका क्या अर्थ है
In the summer of 2021, CARB (California Air Resource Board) published it’s new SF6 regulations update to the “Regulation for Reducing Sulfur Hexafluoride Emissions from Gas Insulated Switchgear”. This amendment imposes stricter guidelines on California utilities’ SF6 GIE (Gas Insulated Equipment), and also offers a plan for phasing out SF6 based technology over the next […]
SF6 गैस का परीक्षण कैसे करें
It’s important to test SF6 gas inside GIE (Gas Insulated Equipment) because it ensures the safety of the operator and protects the equipment from damage. When an SF6 gas sample is taken from a piece of equipment, it is compared against the manufacturers specifications in order to verify if the gas and the equipment is […]
गैसक्विप को महिला स्वामित्व वाला व्यवसाय प्रमाणन प्राप्त हुआ
On December 1st 2021, GasQuip received it’s a certification from the WBENC as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE). Thank you to our wonderful women at the top, Cassie and Regan, for all the hard work they put in day in and day out to serve our customers and grow the business . To see a […]
गैसक्विप 1 साल का हो गया!
A Look Back… We’ve accomplished a lot over the course of the last year, all of which couldn’t be possible without the support of our customers, partners, vendors, family, and friends. Here’s some of the highlights of our last year in business: Business started August 27th, 2020 Developed full SF6 training class and taught class […]
5 सामान्य SF6 गैस हैंडलिंग गलतियाँ
When it comes to working with SF6 gas, attention to detail is important. Ignoring the details of gas safety can not only hurt you the operator, but also cause damage to the environment. In this article we’ll take a look at 5 common gas handling mistakes and how to fix them. 1. Not Documenting Amount […]
SF6 रिसाव का पता लगाने की 3 विधियाँ
When it comes to finding an SF6 leak, many factors can be at play that prevent the detection of the gas. Things such as the temperature outside, fog & cloud coverage, the pressure of the breaker, and equipment reliability can cause delays in leak detection. There are 3 main ways of detecting SF6 leaks, and […]
अनबॉक्सिंग एसएमसी गैस विश्लेषक एसएफ6 6100
हमारा सबसे ताज़ा YouTube वीडियो देखें! (और जब आप वहां हों तो सदस्यता लें!)
सिलेंडर हीटर का उपयोग कैसे करें:
SF6 सिलेंडर हीटर का सही तरीके से उपयोग कैसे करें यह समझने के लिए हमारा पत्रक डाउनलोड करें पीडीएफ फ़्लायर डाउनलोड करें यहां सिलेंडर हीटर खरीदें
SF6 गैस नमी के लिए प्रयुक्त 4 प्रकार के सेंसर
When it comes to monitoring SF6 gas moisture content, there are 4 types of moisture sensors that are commonly used. These sensors are commonly found in SF6 analyzers and other monitoring equipment. Aluminum Oxide Sensor: This may be an older design type, but AL2O3 sensors are still commonly used today. These legacy sensors are used […]
अनबॉक्सिंग आरएच सिस्टम्स 973 एसएफ6 एनालाइज़र
हमारा सबसे ताज़ा YouTube वीडियो देखें! (और जब आप वहां हों तो सदस्यता लें!)