Superando 5 problemas principais com analisadores de gás SF6

Problem 1: Calibration Wait Times Prior to starting development on the FLEX, the feedback we got most from customers about SF6 analyzers was having to send them back to the manufacturer for calibration. In theory, it’s an easy process and you get your device back fully calibrated in a few weeks. In practice, it was […]

Solução de problemas de medição de umidade com analisadores SF6


Gas-insulated equipment, particularly in high-voltage applications, plays a critical role in the transmission and distribution of electrical power. These systems often use sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas as an insulating medium due to its excellent electrical insulation properties. However, even small amounts of moisture can compromise the integrity of SF6 insulation, leading to reduced equipment reliability […]

Como recuperar, evacuar e encher um disjuntor de gás SF6

Safety Precautions When working with SF6 gas circuit breakers, it is imperative to prioritize safety. Adhering to the following safety precautions will help protect yourself and others during the maintenance process: Recovery of SF6 Gas The recovery process involves extracting SF6 gas from the circuit breaker for recycling or disposal. Follow these steps for efficient […]

Quando você deve substituir as mangueiras de serviço de gás SF6?

Mangueira de gás DN20 SF6

Short answer: at least every 6 years. Click here to buy Long answer: Adhering to guidelines set forth by DIN 20066 and ISO/TR 17165-2, we aim to ensure the safety, performance, and longevity of your hose assemblies. A bad hose leads to SF6 gas emissions, gas contaminations, loss of efficiency, and major safety concerns. By […]

Entendendo os resultados do analisador SF6: um guia rápido

Analisador FLEX SF6

Interpreting the results of an SF6 analyzer measurement can be a bit daunting, especially if you are not familiar with the various parameters that are measured and the units in which they are reported. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the key parameters measured by an SF6 analyzer and how to interpret […]

Guia de compra do analisador de gás SF6: 7 questões a considerar

Analisador FLEX SF6

What is an SF6 Gas Analyzer? In today’s utility industry, an “SF6 Analyzer” or “SF6 Tester” can be a blanket term for many different devices. Ultimately, an SF6 Analyzer is a device that measures the impurities found within a sample of SF6 gas that’s pulled from gas-insulated equipment or gas cylinder. Scheduled measurements are vital […]

3 grandes mudanças nas regras de relatórios do SF6


On June 21st 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency published their proposed updates to the GHG reporting rule. In its current form, the new proposal would mean big changes for the way SF6 is reported here in the United States. Let’s review some keep points: Lower Thresholds for Reporting Under the current Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, […]

Um guia detalhado para conexões de gás SF6

When I first started working with SF6 equipment, the most confusing thing for me to understand was the fittings. The endless list of names, sizes, acronyms, sealants… it can be a bit overwhelming for someone with no prior experience. The purpose of this guide is to provide a detailed framework for working with and identifying […]

Como testar o gás SF6

It’s important to test SF6 gas inside GIE (Gas Insulated Equipment) because it ensures the safety of the operator and protects the equipment from damage. When an SF6 gas sample is taken from a piece of equipment, it is compared against the manufacturers specifications in order to verify if the gas and the equipment is […]

GasQuip recebe certificação de empresa pertencente a mulheres

On December 1st 2021, GasQuip received it’s a certification from the WBENC as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE). Thank you to our wonderful women at the top, Cassie and Regan, for all the hard work they put in day in and day out to serve our customers and grow the business . To see a […]
